Sunday, March 02, 2008

Death of a Stoic

Sometimes we don't say what we feel to the people we care about until it's too late. And then they're gone, and we stuff it.

Bury it deep, we say, send it to the elephant bone graveyard, we say, alongside the donkey jawbones, and Yurik's skull (alas, I knew him well), hoping the maggots swallow down our fears. Pass the bottle and let's take a swim in the sea of forgetfulness. There are too many goodbyes, too many sorrows, too many disappointments, sometimes early, sometimes late, and so we say, "That's how it is; that's life. Better just accept it." We avoid funerals, avoid tearfilled goodbyes, avoid moving the last sofa onto the moving van.

And then sometimes someone notices the chink in the armor, behind the hard exterior, the face of stone, the laughter and jokes, and strange disappearances before the end of the night. There's the child weeping in the corner, afraid that someone will see their tears.


Enemy of the Republic said...

I needed to read this today. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I'm still here - never left, really. =)

This makes me sad, I hate turning off the tv last thing at night. It's so quiet afterwards.

I'm not sure if you know Matthias (Fix It), but you've written on this topic at the same time. Funny innit?

Behind Blue Eyes said...

Glad your back. I am so not a stoic. I've always thought it was admirable as long as you didn't look down on other people for not being, but I've never been capable of it.

The Kevin Franz said...

We shrivel from being seen in our vulnerability (those that would mock us), but secretly desire to be seen so we can heal (by true friends)....

Jessica B. said...

You have fallen off the face of blogger. Come back.

I never did respond to your comment on my blog several months ago. Thank you :) Hope you're enjoying your summer.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Haha sorry I deleted my last comment. What I wrote made no sense.

So I agree with Jess that it seems you have fallen off the face of blogger. I came for a little insight. Are you around this semester?? I have yet to see you around...