Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Not Much to Say: The White Rabbit Speaks

End of the day, almost 11 here. Wrapping things up before heading home.

Taught another 4-hour class tonight; don't want to go home yet.

An hour drive, cold and dark, the wind blowing 60 mph. Once home, will go to bed, and then another day, full again, getting to the end of it and not knowing where it went.

So I'm stealing time. Time I don't have.

Don't have much to say, but still want to say it.

A couple days ago warm, bright with possibilities, gray was waking up.

And then strong winds came. Temperature plummeted. F2 tornadoes hit Springfield. Friends okay. No one hurt. Leaves devastation and chaos in its wake.

Today: everything cold and dead. Feeling cranky. Whistling emptiness inside, and strong wind outside. Inside/outside, weather/mood = the same. Car shakes, breaks the lines (I've never been good at staying between them. Haha).

Counting classes. 12 weeks = 35 classes = 140 hours (+/- 24-hours) = Cog in a machine = so tired = Gregor Samsa woke up to discover he was a beetle, and was late for work . . .

Rest and adventure. Fairy rings and dragon quests. Journey's end and home and hearth, a bowl of hot soup and good friends.

Rhythmic bass, a techno beat. Ethereal, female voice (haunting, melancholy, lullaby).



You don't have to wait any longer... new post just up.

Will comment on yours a little later, but for now, going to sleep.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Ah, Cliff, good to see you posting. Miss ya.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Now that is a good point, Alastor. I don't think I've dealt with a lot of natural disasters, but as a city girl, I've dealt with a lot of crime, including a mass shooting at a school I worked in, and it sure did put the flow of life in a whole new perspective. Of course there are some people who need a tornado or a shooting every day just to feel alive.

Cliff said...

Wow, well said Alastor and Enemy (and EP, thanks. I've been catching up on some of your new posts).

I would have liked to have been there too, seeing the storm from that perspective. Fierce and terrible, yet powerfully beautiful. Tornadoes are like this, definitely. Lions are too. When I read the Bible I think encounters with God must be like this too. People are blown away when they see God or his messengers, they get weak in the knees, do some self examination and take a tally of their lives, and it seems like they always walk away changed.

You're right, something has to be torn down to the roots, shaken to the foundation. I think it's something that draws us to the movie FIGHT CLUB and other transgressive novels; in destruction there's the hope of starting over, of making it new. Definitely something to look at. It strips us clean, rubs us raw, tears away all the things we try to set up to carry the illusion that we're powerful and self sufficient. In the end, those things get in the way of honesty, vulnerability, and true relationship. My thoughts, but definitely miss all of you.

Cliff said...

Thanks for coming by, Fatty.

Enemy of the Republic said...

I know you are buried and I am as well, but a new post is required. Cliff, we await your words.

Roger Stevens said...

A mass shooting? Tornadoes.
Lucky to live where I live I guess.

Enjoyed your words, Cliff.