I’ve been surfing through blogland, and most of the bloggers I admire most have been talking a lot (I mean A LOT) about relationships, love, sex, marriage, swingers, and sometimes God in relationship to all that. Though many of them right now are spent like two lovers in post-coital bliss and are waiting in that in-between time until new energies drive them in different directions and new journeys (and new blogs), for now it’s made me pause and wonder why so much energy is being spent in blogland on discussions of love and relationships, especially in a place where we don’t see each other, don’t touch, our only interactions are our minds and words, a place to vent our psychic scream of anxieties and fears, hurts and longings that in our real lives and face-to-face conversations get hidden behind the mask of “everything’s fine. How are you?”
A friend of mine says that much of what is talked about regarding love is saddening, and maybe it’s true that there’s a lot of grief, pain, confusion, and skepticism in the ongoing discussion, and sometimes bliss, of love. It’s become a cosmic grope session, either in the sheets—reaching for the other person (or persons) to connect with, seduce, control or express something uncontainable—or out of them—wondering why some relationships don’t work while others do, (and for how long?), and whether we were meant to be with one person or not, and why something’s still missing that no relationship, no matter how good, can satisfy.
I don’t have much to say about it. Not today at any rate. Maybe I’m just as spent.
But it does make me think about our loneliness and why we keep reaching out, and why we choose to do this in a world of text and art where the connections are . . . different, nonorganic, and entirely non-sexual, at least in the traditional sense. By expanding the question beyond our most intimate relationships, friendships and families, are we trying to find answers from other voices? Or are we simply voicing our thoughts, desires and frustrations because it’s a driving impulse that we MUST continue talking about, no matter whether those thoughts are driven by hope or disillusionment? We can’t not talk about it. It provides release on some level, and maybe if nothing more, that helps.
At least now I know that my blog is not one of the ones you admire most.
You mean the soljourn ISN'T about love and relationships?
No... dang it. Why does everybody think... It is a metaphor for futbol, which in turn is meant to be a symbolic expression of the indigenous people groups of Africa struggle against their Colonial English counterparts. Hey, wait... that is about relationships! Right on!
I have noticed the same trend, and have engaged a few in conversation on the subject. I always like to point people to a book called The Five Love Languages. I think it is very important to understand what that book is saying. Basically, you communicate and recieve love best as you were shown it as a child-- be that physical affection, words of affirmation, gifts, quality time or acts of service.
Also I responded to your comments on my site, and EOTR seems to think very highly of you, which is a plus for you even tho I don't know much of her aside from the fact that she is very articulate.
I would like to trade links if you are willing as well. I feel we will have good conversation.
I haven't read the Five Love Languages, but am familiar with it and recommend it to a lot of friends. I would love to link, and will as soon as I can.
Sorry I haven't been visiting, but for some reason I thought it was private--that's why I didn't link it. I think this is one of your best blogs--love reminds me of cat's cradle--how the hell do you get in or our. I'm having problems of my own as you know, but I hope you know that you are one of the best people in blogland. We proved that it isn't just internet--we can hang!
Get ready to be tagged soon. Details await.
Now you have been officially tagged. It's on books. See my blog for details.
Okay, I'm linking your blog whether you like it or not.
I don't think pain, hurt, and lonliness is bad, especially when it finds expression. I can only speak for myself, when I say that when I write, I do so to expunge myself of certain feelings, give them another medium, let them fly in a poem or a picture. If I can share with others, and they can relate, and it helps them somehow... great. Even just a comment from another, gives the illusion that someone else is listening, even if it's just through a blog. It's sharing, and there's nothing wrong with it. But I can understand it getting you down.
Enemy and Eating Poetry,
Wow, I haven't checked my own site in a while, and then was surprised by getting tagged (just not tackled).
Thanks for your thoughts, Eating Poetry. I've read some of your poetry and blogs as well and really like it.
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